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Our Story

“The Earth is a Communion of Subjects, not a collection of objects. If we don’t learn that, nothing’s going to work.”

--- Thomas Berry

This conversation is about our values as a society. The message is simple: we need to reset our worldview if we are to make lasting progress on the problems of our time – like climate change, structural racism, and economic inequality. Starting from that shift, unimagined changes and solutions will emerge.

Mountain Ridge

"The reality is, we have no clue what lasting change looks like at this point." 

Why is this the fundamental starting point for lasting change? Because we created this world with broken tools, and we keep trying to use those tools to fix it. More technology (like clean energy or medicine), more policy (like carbon taxes or civil rights law), are only band-aids to much deeper psychological, cultural problems. The reality is, we have no clue what lasting change looks like at this point. 

All Hands In

"The next phase of human evolution is simple at its core: treat everything as sacred." 

The reset worldview represents the next phase of human evolution, but its directive is simple at its core: treat everything as sacred. A rock, your mother, the biosphere, your emotions. The Sacred Everything. Approaching from this mindset, the tools of humanity will be reshaped, and will catalyze a complex transformation of personal decisions, which will then reshape our institutions, businesses and cities, which will in turn, make it easier, dare we say blissful, to live in harmony with the Earth-community and each other. 

Image by Daniel Olah

"From this fertile soil, a more beautiful world can begin to emerge." 

We are calling for a rapid slow down, a volcanic humbling, the deepest reconnection to the underserved values of humanity. From this fertile soil, a more beautiful world can begin to emerge. 

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